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ISO 9001 as a positive force

ISO 9001 as positive force.  How many times do we hear the murmurs of dismay as the impending internal or external ISO9001 Audit looms? How often are you finding that a framework that you need to become part of has a set of criteria that includes ISO 9001? Is this something that you view as a significant cliff face to climb?

We can help you. ISO 9001 can be as simple or as complicated as you want, but we would advocate that it should always be a beneficial thing for your company and not just a tickbox to achieve, in order to gain access to a market sector.

The approach we take follows a traditional requirements analysis approach identifying the processes, data flows and data stores, testing the effectiveness of the processes, applying ISO 9001 principles and establishing effective workflow systems (as used by the Disney Corporation)  that embody the processes, apply relevant quality gates and authorisation checks, and capture the proof of the process on the fly – making audits a simple and almost burden free process.