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Smart Team Drop-In Implementation Teams

SmartTeam Drop-in teams can work in two ways.

The initial engagement may just need a team of experienced professionals with the required professional functional skills to be provided to deliver a specific objective.

Or the engaging organisation may wish for a team to be built with the requisite skill sets to deliver the objectives, which they can then decide to employ. In this second model, SAPE will recruit the resources, train them and lead them, and manage their development whilst working on the project. The team can be transferred to the client’s employment, and if required, with a team leader in place.

Such teams can be used at key points in a business to effect a business turnaround, to deliver business process engineering and business restructuring to achieve a new direction. Alternatively, a smaller SAPE Smart Team can drive changes with a team recruited during the engagement, handling all aspects of recruitment, training and mentoring to achieve the objective for which SAPE was engaged.